About the network
The research group Observing Eurolects Network (OEN) represents a continuation of the Eurolect Observatory Project (EOP), directed by the professor Laura Mori. The activities of the EOP have been carried out in two phases: the first phase (2013-2016) aimed at verifying and/or confirming the existence of 11 EU legislative varieties – the so-called Eurolects – that originated and established themselves within the linguistic diasystems of (some) EU Member States. During this phase the project benefited from the funding received from the UNINT University Research Commission (CRA) and from the financial support of the European Commission, which co-financed two initiatives within the framework of the Translating Europe Workshops. At the end of the first phase, the volume Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law, edited by Laura Mori, was published by Benjamins. At the same time, the first results of the project were disseminated at meetings and conferences attended by EOP members (see section “Dissemination events”).
The second phase of the project (2017-2020) involved individual and group work in the following fields of study: jurilinguistics, sociolinguistics, contact linguistics, textual and pragmatic linguistics, terminology, translation-oriented contrastive studies, and statistical analysis of language variation.
It involved 30 members from 22 universities or research institutions based in several European countries. Thanks to the funding granted by the CRA, it was possible to expand the Eurolect Observatory Multilingual Corpus by adding the following corpora to the A and B corpora collected during the first phase:
- corpus C, consisting of national laws with no relation to EU legislation, available for Greek, English, Italian, Polish, Spanish, German;
- corpus D, composed of legislative varieties of languages that are official languages in several EU Member States or in non-EU European countries (such as Switzerland) and compiled thanks to the funding obtained by Annarita Felici (Université de Genève) for the project “Eurolect Observatory: Looking for Eurolect footprints in the Swiss Legislation”.
The research activities focused in particular on the following thematic areas:
- gender-inclusive language issues;
- geographical variability in the legislative varieties of different European countries (including non-EU Member States);
- intra-linguistic variation between EU, EU-derived and national law;
- language contact and convergence phenomena in Eurolects;
- improvement of legislative quality for greater inclusion and accessibility;
- discursive construction of European identity in primary law.
As can be seen from the list of publications (see section “Focus on Eurolects“) and presentations (see section “Dissemination events“) given at national and international conferences.
In its seven years of activity, the Project has brought about the creation and consolidation of an international network, which is going to persist after the conclusion of the second phase thanks to the research group called Observing Eurolects Network (OEN). It aims to serve as a point of reference for anyone working on Eurolect/s, with approaches and methods that may involve one or more disciplines (legal, textual, pragmatic and contact linguistics; sociolinguistics; terminology; translation-oriented contrastive studies; linguistic variation, investigated through statistical analysis; corpus linguistics). Researchers (see section “Members“) from 12 European universities and one Italian research centre participate in the Group (last update: April 2021).
In particular, the OEN pursues the following objectives:
- giving prominence to research activities on Eurolects, both currently underway and those to come;
- encouraging the emergence of new research projects, either individual or joint;
- starting collaborations with new partners active in the same field of investigation and maintaining the existing ones, such as the fruitful interaction between Laura Mori and the Institute of Computational Linguistics “Antonio Zampolli” in Pisa; the collaboration with the research group coordinated by Annarita Felici in Geneva; the exchange of information with the research group directed by Łucja Biel (“The Eurolect: an EU variant of Polish and its impact on administrative Polish“); the support provided by Fabio Proia to the research unit directed by Daniel Leisser that will study the relationship between the German Eurolect and the Austrian legislative variety;
- fostering and consolidating the fundamental link established between scholars working in different academic institutions and research bodies;
- maintaining an open channel of communication with the European institutions, which have contributed so much to the achievement of the objectives in the two phases of the EOP;
- collecting and disseminating information on research products, both those already published and those to be produced in the future, focusing on one or more Eurolects. To this end, an ad hoc section, “Focus on Eurolects”, has been created, in which all news about new publications, conferences or research projects on the subject are collected. Among the members of the Group, Fabio Proia is the contact person to whom useful information can be sent for the continuous updating of this section. Focus on Eurolects aims to represent a virtual space of exchange and dissemination for those interested in this interdisciplinary field of research.
Łucja Biel
Lorenzo Blini
Giuditta Caliendo
Paolo Canavese
Sandro Caruana
Sara Castagnoli
Gatis Dilāns
Annarita Felici
Océane Foubert
Laurent Gautier
Daniel Leisser
Laura Mori
Fabio Proia
Annalisa Sandrelli
Vilelmini Sosoni
Giulia Venturi
Eva Wiesmann
Dissemination events by EOP and OEN members
- 2022 BIEL Łucja, “On distance-power asymmetries in the translation of institutional websites”. Aspects pratiques de la transmission en traduction. Journée d’études 1, coorganisée par Corinne Oster et Giuditta Caliendo. Section Sociolinguistic variation and representation of contact in Eurolects, Université de Lille, 18th March 2022;
- 2022 FOUBERT Océane, CALIENDO Giuditta, “Gender representation in legal varieties: the case of French Eurolect”. Aspects pratiques de la transmission en traduction. Journée d’études 1, coorganisée par Corinne Oster et Giuditta Caliendo. Section Sociolinguistic variation and representation of contact in Eurolects, Université de Lille, 18th March 2022;
- 2022 MORI Laura, “Principi di testualità tra italiano legislativo europeo e nazionale: fenomeni contestuali, esiti di contatto e tracce di variabilità intralinguistica”. Convegno internazionale, Forme della scrittura italiana contemporanea in prospettiva contrastiva. La componente testuale, Università di Basilea, 28th – 29th March 2022;
- 2022 MORI Laura, “Dynamics of linguistic variation in Eurolects using the Eurolect Observatory Multilingual Corpus / Dynamique de la variation linguistique dans les Eurolectes à l’aide de l’Eurolect Observatory Multilingual Corpus”. Aspects pratiques de la transmission en traduction. Journée d’études 1, coorganisée par Corinne Oster et Giuditta Caliendo. Section Sociolinguistic variation and representation of contact in Eurolects, Université de Lille, 18th March 2022;
- 2021 CANAVESE Paolo, MORI Laura, “Testing the hypothesis of ‘translation as a catalyst for plain legislation’ on the syntactic level: A comparison of different varieties of legislative Italian”. UCCTS 2021, Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (6th edition), Bertinoro (Italy), 9th – 11th September 2021;
- 2021 MORI Laura, VENTURI Giulia, “Italian Eurolect variants from a contrastive perspective. Monitoring the interlinguistic distance with English Eurolect: an approach based on Natural Language Processing methods”. UCCTS 2021, Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (6th edition), Bertinoro (Italy), 9th – 11th September 2021;
- 2021 MORI Laura, VENTURI Giulia, “Norme italiane di derivazione europea tra direttive dell’UE e leggi nazionali: un’analisi linguistico-computazionale della variazione intralinguistica”. LIV Congresso Internazionale della Società di Linguistica Italiana, Corpora e studi linguistici, Università degli Studi di Firenze e Accademia della Crusca, 8th – 10th September 2021;
- 2020 DILĀNS Gatis, SKORE Leva, “Frequency of morphosyntactic features over time in the corpora of EU Latvian directives”. 3rd International Legal Linguistics Workshop (ILLWS 20) of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics. Vienna, 12th – 13th December 2020;
- 2019 SOSONI Vilelmini, “Gender and legislative language: A corpus-based analysis of Greek versions of EU directives, their national transposition measures and general Greek legal acts”. “Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics”: 1st International Conference of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics. University of Vienna, 8th – 10th November 2019;
- 2019 SANDRELLI Annalisa, “A corpus-based study of deontic modality in English Eurolect”. Panel: English Eurolect as the institutional lingua franca of the EU. AIA Conference “Thinking out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries“, Padova, 6th September 2019;
- 2019 PROIA Fabio, “Der deutsche Eurolekt. Eine Bestandsaufnahme”, Zentrum Sprache, Variation, Mehrsprachigkeit, University of Potsdam, 10th July 2019;
- 2019 MORI Laura, “La sociolinguistica dei corpora per lo studio della variazione dell’italiano legislativo“. “Linguaggio a Roma Tre”, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, 19th December 2019;
- 2019 FERRARESI Adriano, BERNARDINI Silvia, “Lexical simplification in English and Italian Eurolects: convergences and divergences”. Panel: English Eurolect as the institutional lingua franca of the EU. AIA Conference “Thinking out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries“, Padova, 6th September 2019;
- 2019 DEGANO Chiara, “A terminological perspective on Eurolects: methodological issues”. Panel: English Eurolect as the institutional lingua franca of the EU. AIA Conference “Thinking out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries“, Padova, 6th September 2019;
- 2019 CASTAGNOLI Sara, “Assessing the influence of the English Eurolect on the language of UK domestic law”. Panel: English Eurolect as the institutional lingua franca of the EU. AIA Conference “Thinking out of the Box in Language, Literature, Cultural and Translation Studies: Questioning Assumptions, Debunking Myths, Trespassing Boundaries“, Padova, 6th September 2019;
- 2019 CARUANA Sandro, MORI Laura, PORTELLI Sergio, “Maltese lexical stratigraphy seen through the eyes of the Eurolect Observatory Multilingual Corpus”. 7th International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Jagiellonian University Kraków, 11th July 2019;
- 2019 CANAVESE Paolo, FELICI Annarita “Plain legal language through translation: a comparison of EU, Swiss and Italian legislative texts”. “Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics”: 1st International Conference of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics. University of Vienna, 8th – 10th November 2019;
- 2019 CALIENDO Giuditta, FOUBERT Océane, “The representation of gender in French legal discourse”. 5th ESTIDIA Conference on “Hybrid Dialogues: Transcending Binary Thinking and Moving Away from Societal Polarizations“. Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”, 20th September 2019;
- 2019 CALIENDO Giuditta, FOUBERT Océane, “Representing gender in French legal varieties: from the supranational to the national dimension”. “Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics”: 1st International Conference of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics. University of Vienna, 8th – 10th November 2019;
- 2019 BRACCHI Enrica, “Langage législatif italien et français selon une orientation genrée : quelques pistes de réflexion et de comparaison”. Séminaire Discours littéraires et juridiques genrés, Centre de Recherche sur les Identités, les Nations et l’Interculturalité, Université de Nantes, 25th April 2019;
- 2018 PROIA Fabio, “Morphologie und Wortbildung im deutschen Eurolekt. Erste Ergebnisse einer korpusbasierten Untersuchung im Rahmen des Projekts Eurolect Observatory”. Transius Conference 2018, Université de Genève, 18th – 20th June 2018;
- 2018 PROIA Fabio, “Gender-neutral language in EU and German federal legislation. A corpus-based analysis.” Jurilinguistics II – Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Language and Law, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, 24th – 26th October 2018;
- 2018 PATIN Stéphane, “Les directives européennes et leurs transpositions en France: parle-t-on le même français?”. 5ème colloque annuel Réseau de recherche des discours institutionnels et politiques, Analyse du discours et institutions sociales: l’expertise discursive dans les domaines de la santé et de la justice, Université de Cergy, 5th – 6th December 2018;
- 2018 MORI Laura, SZMRECSANYI Benedikt, “Mapping out similarities between Eurolects: from eurolectal to euroversal features”. Transius Conference 2018, Université de Genève, 18th – 20th June 2018;
- 2018 MORI Laura “Analisi interlinguistica e intralinguistica delle varietà legislative in contesto UE”, Università degli Studi di Udine, 18th November 2018;
- 2018 FELICI Annarita, Mori Laura, “Corpora di italiano legislativo a confronto: dall’Unione europea alla Cancelleria svizzera”. LII SLI conference, Bern, 6th – 8th September 2018;
- 2018 DEGANO Chiara, SANDRELLI Annalisa, “Ethically sensitive issues from EU directives to the National Press in English and Italian”. “Knowledge Dissemination, Ethics and Ideology in Specialised Communication: Linguistic and Discursive Perspectives”, CLAVIER Conference 2018, Milan, 29 November – 1st December 2018;
- 2017 Translating Europe Workshop: Eurolects: language contact and variational dynamics across European legislative corpora, 24th October 2017;
- 2017 PROIA Fabio, “Die Rolle des Deutschen in den EU-Institutionen und der deutsche Eurolekt“. Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Universität Magdeburg, 21st June 2017;
- 2016 SOSONI Vilelmini, KERMANIDIS Katia-Lida, LIVAS Sotirios, “The dynamics of EU language and Law: The Case of the Greek Eurolect”. “From Legal Translation to Jurilinguistics: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Language and Law”, International Jurilinguistics Conference, Universidad Pablo Olavide, Seville, 27th – 28th October 2016;
- 2016 PATIN Stéphane, “Lecture Textométrique Différentielle (LTD) de textes législatifs comparables de l’Union européenne. Journées Internationales d’Analyse Statistique des Données Textuelles (JADT)”, Université Sophia Antipolis (Nice), 7th – 10th June 2016;
- 2015 MORI Laura, “Osservatorio sull’euroletto. Analisi interlinguistica e intralinguistica delle varietà giuridiche in contesto UE“. Departamento Filología Española I y Románica, Universidad de Màlaga, 12th November 2015;
- 2015 MEGALE Fabrizio, “La transposition parlementaire des directives européennes: aspects linguistiques et traductologiques”. Faculté de traduction et d’interprétation de l’Université de Genève, 13th November 2015;
- 2015 GIUMMARRA Elisa, poster presentation of her MA-thesis “Gender discrimination and sexism in language: an interlingual and intralingual analysis of a trilingual corpus of EU directives (English, Italian and Spanish)“, Translating Europe Forum, Brussells, 29th – 30th October 2015;
- 2015 Eurolect Observatory Workshop, presentation of the project to the language experts of the European institutions (translators, lawyer-linguists and quality managers) and discussion of the preliminary results of the project, Brussels, 9th – 10th June 2015;
- 2015 BLINI Lorenzo, “Eurolecto español y variedad jurídica nacional“. Departamento Filología Española I y Románica, Universidad de Màlaga, 12th November 2015;
- 2014 BLINI Lorenzo, “Euroletto spagnolo e varietà giuridica nazionale a confronto”. Giornata Internazionale di Studio “Problematiche traduttive attraverso le lingue e i generi testuali”, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, 28th November 2014.
Focus on Eurolects
Focus on Eurolects provides an overview of the studies, carried out in the framework of individual or group research projects, dealing with one or more legal varieties used in the EU legislation (“Eurolects”). In most cases they analyse and compare data from corpora of legislation (e.g. EU directives and national transposition measures) or judgements issued by the EU Court of Justice and/or by national courts.
The titles of the publications are divided into two sections, according to the method and approach adopted by the author(s). The first section (“Monolingual studies”) includes studies that examine the EU and the national legal language used in a particular EU Member State (e.g. the German Eurolect on the one hand, the German variety in use in the Federal Republic of Germany on the other). Works that extend their field of investigation to two or more Eurolects are listed in the second section (“Multilingual studies”). All titles are grouped by language, indicated by the corresponding ISO 639-1 code, and presented in chronological order. The acronym EOP in brackets marks those works that were published by project participants during the first and second phases of the Eurolect Observatory Project (2013-2016 and 2017-2020). Works published by members of the Observing Eurolects Network after 2020 are marked by the acronym OEN in brackets following their name. The last two sections are devoted to MA Thesis/PhD Dissertations, both published and unpublished, and to book reviews respectively.
Focus on Eurolects aims to be a source of reference for researchers interested in one or more Eurolects. If you are doing research in this field and would like to include the title of your study in the list, please contact professor Fabio Proia, responsible for the content of this webpage.
Monolingual studies
- 2022 WIESMANN Eva (OEN), Der Ausdruck der Konditionalität. Korpusgestützte Überlegungen zu Rechts – und Gemeinsprache. In: Ursula Wienen, Tinka Reichmann, Laura Sergo (eds.), Syntax in Fachkommunikation, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 175-211;
- 2019 (EOP) PROIA Fabio, EU – und bundesdeutsche Gesetzgebungssprache aus Genderperspektive. In: Stefania Cavagnoli, Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 213-239;
- 2018 (EOP) PROIA Fabio, Observing Eurolects: The case of German. In: Laura Mori (ed.), Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 147-167;
- 2012 MAKOWSKI Jacek, Die deutsche Sprache als EU – Varietät in den Plenardebatten des Europäischen Parlaments. In: Franciszek Grucza, Xiao-hu Feng, Waltraud Maierhofer, Jörg Riecke, Monika Shafi (eds.), Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Warschau 2010 – Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit, Frankfurt a.M., Peter Lang, 331-336;
- 2012 ROTT Peter, Legal Terminology: One Reason for Frictions between German and European Consumer Laws. In: European Review of Private Law, 20 (5/6), 1353-1367;
- 2009 MARKHARDT Heidemarie, Das österreichische Deutsch im Rahmen der Europäischen Union. In: Lebende Sprachen, 49 (1), 15–22;
- 2009 MUHR Rudolf, Die Unterschiede in der Rechtsterminologie Österreichs und Deutschlands und die Folgen für die Rechtssprache Deutsch im Rahmen der Europäischen Union. In: Muttersprache, 3/2009, 199-216;
- 2009 SCHADE Elke, Vertragen sich europäische und deutsche Rechtssprache? Leidensdruck bei der Umsetzung von EU-Recht. In: Muttersprache, 3/2009, 192-198;
- 2018 (EOP) SOSONI Vilelmini, KERMANIDIS Katia Lida, LIVAS Sotirios, Observing Eurolects: The case of Greek. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 169-198;
- 1991 KOUTSIVITIS Vassilis, Quelques observations linguistiques concernant la version grecque des textes communautaires. In: Terminologie et Traduction, 3, 1991, 245-253;
- 2024 TAGLIALATELA Antonio, Euro-English: Trends and Challenges Through the Lens of Migration-Related Texts, Pesaro, Intra Edizioni.
- 2023 DEGANO Chiara, A terminological perspective on eurolects: Methodological issues. In: Katherine Ackerley, Erik Castello, Fiona Dalziel, Sara Gesuato, Maria Teresa Musacchio, Giuseppe Palumbo (eds.), Thinking Out of the Box in English Linguistics, Language Teaching, Translation and Terminology, Padova, Padova University Press, 333-352.
- 2023 GIAMPIERI Patrizia, Key n-Grams in EU Directives and in the UK National Legislation on Consumer Contracts. In: International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 37 (1), 59-75.
- 2023 SANCHEZ RODAS Fernando, CORPAS PASTOR Gloria, Argument-Structure Constructions with Organization Names in the English Eurolect: The Case of [ORG + V + that + SC]. In: NAMES: A Journal of Onomastics 71(2), 12–30;
- 2021 BIEL Łucja (OEN), KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, MÜLLER Dariusz, The judicial English Eurolect. A genre profiling of CJEU judgments. In: Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski, Gianluca Pontrandolfo (eds.), Law, Language and the Courtroom. Legal Linguistics and the Discourse of Judges, London/New York, Routledge, 3-25;
- 2020 BIEL Łucja, DOCZEKALSKA Agnieszka, How do supranational terms transfer into national legal systems? A corpus-informed study of EU English terminology in consumer protection directives and UK, Irish and Maltese transposing acts. In: Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication, 26 (2), 184-212;
- 2020 (EOP) DEGANO Chiara, SANDRELLI Annalisa, A corpus-based study of ethically sensitive issues in EU directives, national transposition measures and the press. In: Lingue e Linguaggi, 34, 119-136;
- 2020 (EOP) SANDRELLI Annalisa, A corpus-based study of deontic modality in English Eurolect. In: ESP Across Cultures, 17, 113-128;
- 2019 (EOP) SANDRELLI Annalisa, Gender and language in English directives and UK national transposition measures. In: Stefania Cavagnoli, Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 109-141;
- 2018 BAJČIĆ Martina, The Role of EU Legal English in Shaping EU Legal Culture. In: International Journal of Language & Law, 7, 8-24;
- 2018 BIEL Łucja, BIERNACKA Agnieszka, JOPEK-BOSIACKA Anna, Collocations of Terms in EU Competition Law: A Corpus Analysis of EU English Collocations. In: Silvia Marino, Łucja Biel, Martina Bajčić, Vilelmini Sosoni (eds.), Language and Law: The Role of Language and Translation in EU Competition Law, Cham, Springer, 249-274;
- 2018 BIEL Łucja, BIERNACKA Agnieszka, JOPEK-BOSIACKA Anna, The Glossary of EU English Competition Collocations and Terms. In: Silvia Marino, Łucja Biel, Martina Bajčić, Vilelmini Sosoni (eds.), Language and Law: The Role of Language and Translation in EU Competition Law, Cham, Springer, 275-324;
- 2018 KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, Phraseological Profile of Judgments. Complex Prepositions in EU Competition Law Judgments. In: Silvia Marino, Łucja Biel, Martina Bajčić, Vilelmini Sosoni (eds.), Language and Law: The Role of Language and Translation in EU Competition Law, Cham, Springer, 325-357;
- 2018 (EOP) SANDRELLI Annalisa, Observing Eurolects: The case of English. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 63-92;
- 2017 GARDNER Jeremy, Errors in EU-English. In: Altre modernità. Rivista di studi letterari e culturali, Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano, 149-164;
- 2016 GARDNER Jeremy, Misused English words and expressions in EU publications, Luxembourg, European Court of Auditors;
- 2015 ANSELMI Simona, SERACINI Francesca, The Transposition of EU Directives into British Legislation as Intralingual Translation: A Corpus- Based Analysis of the Rewriting Process. In: TEXTUS, 2, 39-62;
- 2015 FELICI Annarita, Translating EU Legislation from a Lingua Franca: Advantages and Disadvantages. In: Susan Šarčević (ed.), Language and Culture in EU Law: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, London, Routledge, 123-140;
- 2013 MAZZI Davide, «If it be the case that the appellants are under such an obligation…»: A comparative study of conditionals in English legal discourse. In: Stefano Ondelli (ed.), Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo. Lingue dell’UE e lingue nazionali a confronto, Trieste, EUT, 27-40;
- 2012 TWIGG-FLESNER Christian The (Non-) impact of Harmonizing Measures on English Legal Terminology. In: European Review of Private Law, 20 (5/6), 1369 – 1378;
- 2010 JABLONKAI Réka, English in the context of European integration: A corpus-driven analysis of lexical bundles in English EU documents. In: English for Specific Purposes, 29 (4), 253-267;
- 2010 ROBERTSON Colin, Legislative drafting in English for non-native speakers: some do’s and don’ts (with reference to EU legislation). In: ESP Across Cultures, 7, 147-163;
- 2009 JABLONKAI Réka, «In The Light Of»: a corpus-based analysis of lexical bundles in two EU-related registers. In: WoPaLP, 3, 1-26;
- 2009 TREBITS Anna, Conjunctive cohesion in English language EU documents – A corpus-based analysis and its implications. In: English for Specific Purposes, 28 (3), 199-210;
- 2009 TREBITS Anna, The most frequent phrasal verbs in English language EU documents – A corpus-based analysis and its implications. In: System, 37 (3), 470-481;
- 2008 CATENACCIO Paola, Implementing Council Directive 1993/13/EEU on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts in Great Britain: A Case for Intra-linguistic Translation? In: Vijay K. Bhatia, Christopher N. Candlin, Paola Evangelisti Allori (eds.), Language, Culture and the Law. The Formulation of Legal Concepts across Systems and Cultures, Bern, Peter Lang, 259–280;
- 2006 MOLLIN Sandra, Euro-English. Assessing Variety Status, Tübingen, Narr;
- 2005 CALIENDO Giuditta, DI MARTINO Gabriella, VENUTI Marco, Language and Discourse Features of EU Secondary Legislation. In: Giuseppina Cortese, Anna Duszak (eds.), Identity, Community, Discourse: English in Intercultural Settings, Bern, Peter Lang, 381-404;
- 2002 SEYMOUR Edward, Euro-English: the New Pidgin? In: Terminologie et Traduction, 3, 22-32;
- 2001 FOLEY Richard, Going out in style? Shall in EU legal English. In: UCREL Technical Papers, 13, 185-195;
- 2001 GARZONE Giuliana, Deontic Modality and Performativity in English Legal Texts. In: Maurizio Gotti, Marina Dossena (eds.), Modality in Specialized Texts, Bern, Peter Lang, 153-174;
- 2001 JENKINS Jennifer, MODIANO Marko, SEIDLHOFER Barbara, Euro-English. In: English Today, 17 (4), 13-19;
- 2024 BLINI Lorenzo (OEN), Armonización lingüística y claridad legislativa: una comparación en el nivel sintáctico entre el eurolecto español y el castellano jurídico nacional. In: Archiletras Científica, 12, 2024, 95-109.
- 2024 MARTÍN MARTÍN-MORA Concepción, JIMÉNEZ-SALCEDO Juan, El eurolecto como lenguaje de especialidad en la UE: el caso del castellano. In: Gonzalo Francisco Sánchez, Diana Castilleja, Juan Jiménez-Salcedo, Cristal Huerdo-Moreno, Marta Bonet Bofill (eds.), Variedades del español: aproximaciones desde la sociolingüística, la pragmática, la traducción y la interpretación, Leiden/Boston, Brill, 156-175;
- 2021 PONTRALDOLFO, Gianluca, National and EU judicial phraseology under the magnifying glass: a corpus-assisted analysis of complex prepositions in Spanish. In: Perspectives, 29 (2), 260-277;
- 2019 (EOP) BLINI Lorenzo, Usos inclusivos de género en el castellano legislativo de la Unión Europea y de España. In: Stefania Cavagnoli, Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 183-211;
- 2019 (EOP) BLINI Lorenzo, MORI Laura, Los europeísmos en la lexicografía española desde la perspectiva sociolingüística. In: Artifara 19 (2019), 249-267.
- 2018 (EOP) BLINI Lorenzo, Observing Eurolects: The case of Spanish. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 329-367;
- 2018 (EOP) BLINI Lorenzo, Entre traducción y reescritura: eurolecto español y discurso legislativo nacional. In: Cuadernos AISPI, 12/2018, pp. 15-35;
- 2016 VALERO GARCÉS Carmen, Influencia del eurolecto en la legislación española y en el uso del lenguaje jurídico ¿Realidad o ficción?. In: Mary Frances Litzler, Jesús García Laborda, Cristina Tejedor Martínez (eds.), Beyond the universe of Languages for Specific Purposes: The 21st century perspective, Alcalá, Editorial Universidad de Alcalá, 141-146;
- 2013 CASTILLO PEÑA Carmen, Las construcciones con verbos de apoyo en un corpus comparable de textos jurídicos. In: Stefano Ondelli (ed.), Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo. Lingue dell’UE e lingue nazionali a confronto, Trieste, EUT, 93-106;
- 2013 MEDINA MONTERO José Francisco, El español de los textos jurídicos comunitarios y españoles: el caso de los marcadores del discurso presentes en un corpus de reglamentos del DOUE y en otro de leyes del BOE. In: Stefano Ondelli (ed.), Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo. Lingue dell’UE e lingue nazionali a confronto, Trieste, EUT, 127-144;
- 2013 POLO Anna, Valores deónticos en un corpus comparable. In: Stefano Ondelli (ed.), Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo. Lingue dell’UE e lingue nazionali a confronto, Trieste, EUT, 107-126;
- 2012 ÀLVAREZ LATA Natalia, The Impact of the Terminology of the European Directives on Consumer Rights on the Spanish Law: The Construction of a New Legal Language. In: European Review of Private Law, 20, 5/6, 1305-1324;
- 2018 (EOP) MIKHAILOV Mikhail, PIEHL Aino, Observing Eurolects: The case of Finnish. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 93-119;
- 2013 PIEHL Aino, Fine tuning style and precision: Adapting directive citations to Finnish statutes. In: Linguistica Antverpiensia, 12/2013, 161-181;
- 2006 PIEHL Aino, The Influence of EU Legislation on Finnish Legal Discourse. In: Maurizio Gotti and Davide S. Giannoni (eds.), New Trends in Specialized Discourse Analysis, Bern, Peter Lang, 183-194;
- 2022 CALIENDO Giuditta (OEN), FOUBERT Océane (OEN), Gender representation in French Eurolect: An open dialogue between supranational and national legal varieties. In: Journal of Pragmatics, 196, 54-66;
- 2019 (EOP) BRACCHI Enrica, Langage législatif européen et français selon une orientation genrée. In: Stefania Cavagnoli, Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 67-107;
- 2018 (EOP) PATIN Stéphane, MEGALE Fabrizio, Observing Eurolects: The case of French. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 121-146;
- 2012 MATHIEU Marie-Laure, La transposition des directives en droit français: maîtrise des mots, maîtrise sur les mots. In: European Review of Private Law, 20, 5, 1277-1304;
- 2024 FÓRIS Ágota, The History and Recent Trends of Terminology in Hungary in the 21st Century. In: Terminologija, 31, 2004, 53-74.
- 2022 FISCHER Márta, Horizontal and vertical terminology work in the context of EU translations. In: Porta Lingua, 1, 7-15;
- 2024 TOMBESI Elena, Italiano giuridico ed euroletto a confronto. Storie di parole, tendenze traduttive e interferenze, Firenze, Franco Cesati Editore.
- 2024 CANAVESE Paolo (OEN), MORI Laura (OEN), Testing the hypothesis of “translation as a catalyst for plain legislation” on the syntactic level: a comparison of different varieties of legislative Italian. In: Comparative Legilinguistics, 58, 113–150.
- 2023 FELICI Annarita (OEN), L’ordine delle parole nei testi legislativi svizzeri e dell’Unione europea: uno sguardo interlinguistico. In: Anna Maria De Cesare, Angela Ferrari, Letizia Lala, Filippo Pecorari (eds.), Forme della scrittura italiana contemporanea in prospettiva contrastiva. La componente testuale, Firenze, Franco Cesati Editore, 117-131;
- 2023 MORI Laura (OEN), Principi di testualità tra dimensione europea e nazionale: fenomeni contestuali, esiti di contatto e tracce di variabilità intralinguistica in italiano legislativo. In: Anna Maria De Cesare, Angela Ferrari, Letizia Lala, Filippo Pecorari (eds.), Forme della scrittura italiana contemporanea in prospettiva contrastiva. La componente testuale, Firenze, Franco Cesati Editore, 255-264;
- 2023 SCHMITZ Katrin, Integrating technolects in (micro)variation: Null Subjects in Italian national and EU primary law texts. In: Natascha Pomino, Eva-Maria Remberger, Julia Zwink (eds.) From Formal Linguistic Theory to the Art of Historical Editions: The Multifaceted Dimensions of Romance Linguistics, Vienna, V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 127-146;
- 2022 CANAVESE Paolo (OEN), Plain Legal Language through Translation: A Comparison of Swiss, EU and Italian Legislative Texts. In: Daniel Green and Luke Green (eds.), Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics, Münster, Lit Verlag, 123-151;
- 2022 CANAVESE Paolo (OEN), Italiano legislativo elvetico e chiarezza linguistica: una prospettiva empirica. In: Laura Baranzini, Matteo Casoni, Sabine Christopher (eds.), Linguisti in contatto 3. Ricerche di linguistica italiana in Svizzera e sulla Svizzera, Bellinzona, Osservatorio linguistico della Svizzera italiana, 105-125;
- 2021 MORI Laura (OEN), Prospettive di miglioramento dell’accessibilità linguistica in italiano: verso una cultura della comunicazione istituzionale citizen-centred. In: Franca Orletti (ed.), Comunicare il patrimonio culturale: accessibilità comunicativa, tecnologie, sostenibilità, Milano, Franco Angeli, 149-161;
- 2020 (EOP) MORI Laura, La rappresentazione di scenari deontici e l’espressione della performatività nell’italiano delle leggi: dal diritto europeo alla legislazione nazionale. In: Linguistica e Filologia, 40, 45-97;
- 2020 (EOP) MORI Laura, La distribuzione dei verbi modali in testi legislativi europei e italiani. Uno studio corpus-based sulla variazione intralinguistica di dovere e potere. In: AIΩN-Linguistica, 9/2020, 153-175;
- 2019 CAVAGNOLI Stefania, Linguaggio giuridico europeo e italiano nella prospettiva linguistica di genere. In: Stefania Cavagnoli, Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 143-182;
- 2019 (EOP) FELICI Annarita, MORI Laura, Corpora di italiano legislativo a confronto: dall’Unione europea alla Cancelleria svizzera. In: Bruno Moretti, Aline Kunz, Silvia Natale, Etna Krakenberger (eds.) Le tendenze dell’italiano contemporaneo rivisitate. Atti del LII Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana, Roma, SLI, 287-304;
- 2019 (EOP) MORI Laura, Dall’armonizzazione all’ibridazione nei testi legislativi: evidenze linguistiche e manifestazioni interculturali nell’italiano tradotto. In: Entreculturas. Revista De Traducción Y Comunicación Intercultural, 10/2019, 377-392;
- 2019 (EOP) MORI Laura, Complessità sintattica e leggibilità. Un monitoraggio linguistico per la valutazione dell’accessibilità di testi legislativi europei e italiani. In: Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, vol. XLVIII, 3/2019, 627-657;
- 2019 (EOP) MORI Laura, Configurazioni strutturali e funzioni discorsive dei lexical bundles nella costruzione testuale delle leggi italiane nazionali e di derivazione europea. In: Raffaella Bombi (ed.), Saggi interlinguistici e metalinguistici, Roma, Il Calamo, 79-88;
- 2018 (EOP) MORI Laura, Observing Eurolects: The case of Italian. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 199-242;
- 2013 CORTELAZZO Michele A., Leggi italiane e direttive europee a confronto. In: Stefano Ondelli (ed.), Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo. Lingue dell’UE e lingue nazionali a confronto, Trieste, EUT, 57-66;
- 2008 MORI Laura, Gli anni Sessanta e la costruzione dell’identità linguistica europea. Sulla formazione della varietà comunitaria d’italiano. In: Matilde de Pasquale, Giovanni Dotoli, Mario Selvaggio (eds.), I linguaggi del Sessantotto, Roma, Apes, 531-544;
- 2007 MORI Laura, La dimensione verticale dell’euroletto. Europeismi tra creazione comunitaria e linguaggio giornalistico. In: Identità e diversità nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana. Atti del XVIII congresso dell’A.I.S.L.L.I., vol. 1, Firenze, Cesati, 119-131;
- 2005 MORI Laura, L’italiano lingua della legislazione europea. In: Barbara Turchetta, Laura Mori & Elisa Ranucci (eds.), Il mondo in italiano. Varietà ed usi internazionali della lingua, Bari, Laterza, 73-106;
- 2003 MORI Laura, L’euroletto. Genesi e sviluppo dell’italiano comunitario. In: Ada Valentini, Piera Molinelli, Pierluigi Cuzzolin & Giuliano Bernini (eds.), Ecologia linguistica. Atti del XXXVI Convegno internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica italiana, Roma, Bulzoni, 473-492;
- 2000 NYSTEDT Jane, L’italiano nei documenti della CEE: le sequenze di parole. In: Daniela Veronesi (ed.), Linguistica giuridica italiana e tedesca, Padova, Unipress, 273-284;
- 2002 TOSI Arturo, The Europeanization of the Italian Language by the European Union. In: Anna Laura Lepschy, Arturo Tosi (eds.), Multilingualism in Italy Past and Present, Oxford, Legenda, 170-194;
- 1999 NYSTEDT Jane, L’italiano che si scrive a Bruxelles. In: Italiano e Oltre, 4/1999, 198-206;
- 2018 (EOP) DILĀNS Gatis, Observing Eurolects: The case of Latvian. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 243-265;
- 2021 HARWOOD Mark, Europeanization and language: the impact of EU language status on Maltese. In: Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2021;
- 2018 (EOP) PORTELLI Sergio, CARUANA Sandro, Observing Eurolects: The case of Maltese. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 267-293;
- 2017 PORTELLI Sergio, Terminology, Bilingualism and Language Planning (or Lack Thereof): The Case of Maltese. In: Paola Faini (ed.), Terminological Approaches in the European Context, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 98-106;
- 2011 MORI Laura, Linguistic variation in legal Maltese: EU Directives compared to national implementation laws. In: Sandro Caruana, Ray Fabri, Thomas Stolz (eds.), Variation and Change. The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 109-127;
- 2011 MORI Laura, Euroletto e maltese: un’analisi linguistico-contrastiva del maltese nella traduzione della normativa comunitaria. In: Giovanna Merzagora Massariello, Serena Dal Maso (eds.), I luoghi della traduzione: le interfacce. Atti del XLIII Congresso Internazionale di studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana, Roma, Bulzoni, 371-385;
- 2009 CARUANA Sandro, Terminology of Italian origin used in EU Maltese: A case of linguistic “Europeanisation”? In: Bernard Comrie, Ray Fabri, Elizabeth Hume, Manwel Mifsud, Thomas Stolz and Martine Vanhove (eds.), Introducing Maltese Linguistics, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 355-375;
- 2018 (EOP) DE SUTTER Gert, DE BOCK Fee, Observing Eurolects: The case of Netherlandic Dutch. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 47-62;
- 2022 BIEL Łucja (OEN), From national to supranational institutionalisation: a microdiachronic study of the post-accession evolution of the Polish Eurolect. In: Perspectives, 1-18;
- 2021 BIEL Łucja (OEN), EU institutional websites: Targeting citizens, building asymmetries. In: Ovidio Carbonell i Cortés, Esther Monzó-Nebot (eds.), Translating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 227-252;
- 2021 WASILEWSKA Katarzyna, Administrative Reports. A Corpus Study of the Genre in the EU and Polish National Settings, Berlin, Peter Lang;
- 2021 WASILEWSKA Katarzyna, Translation guidelines versus practice: A corpus-based study of the impact of the Polish style guide on translations of EU legislation and reports drafted by the European Commission. In: Marie Bourguignon, Bieke Nouws and Heleen van Gerwen (eds.), Translation policies in legal and institutional settings, Leuven, Leuven University Press, 67-86;
- 2020 BIEL Łucja, PYTEL Izabela, Corrigenda of EU Legislative Acts as an Indicator of Quality Assurance Failures: A Micro-Diachronic Analysis of Errors Rectified in the Polish Corrigenda. In: Fernando Prieto Ramos (ed.), Institutional Translation and Interpreting. Assessing Practices and Managing for Quality, New York, Routledge, 150-173;
- 2020 KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, The Language of EU and Polish Judges: Investigating Textual Fit through Corpus Methods, Berlin, Peter Lang;
- 2020 KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, Wykładniki modalności w wyrokach Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE i Sądu Najwyższego RP – analiza korpusowa. In: Studia Iuridica, 83, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 78-100;
- 2020 KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, Epistemic Modality: A Corpus-Based Analysis of Epistemic Markers in EU and Polish Judgments. In: Comparative Legilinguistics, 41 (1), 39-70;
- 2019 CIOSTEK Anna, Polska terminologia unijna i brukselizmy, Warsaw, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego;
- 2018 (EOP) BIEL Łucja, Observing Eurolects: The case of Polish. In: Laura Mori (ed.) Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU Law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 295-327;
- 2018 BIEL Łucja, KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, WASILEWSKA Katarzyna, Zbitki wielowyrazowe w polskim eurolekcie – analiza gatunkowa formuliczności dyskursu administracyjnego. Badanie pilotażowe. In: Urszula Okulska-Łukawska, Urszula Topczewska, Anna Jopek-Bosiacka (eds.), Wybrane zagadnienia lingwistyki tekstu, analizy dyskursu i komunikacji międzykulturowej – In memoriam Profesor Anny Duszak (1950-2015), Warszawa, ILS UW, 259-300;
- 2018 KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, Przyimki w wyrokach unijnych i krajowych – analiza korpusowa dystrybucji i funkcji przyimków prostych, złożonych i wtórnych. In: Comparative Legilinguistics, 35, 89-119;
- 2018 WASILEWSKA Katarzyna, Frekwencja oraz funkcje przyimków złożonych i wtórnych w sprawozdaniach administracyjnych. In: LingVaria, 13 (25), 273-291;
- 2016 BIEL Łucja, Wyrażenia przyimkowe w krajowych i unijnych aktach prawnych – analiza korpusowa funkcji przyimków w polskim języku prawnym. In: Dorota Kondratczyk-Przybylska, Adam Niewiadomski, Walewska Ewa (eds.), Język polskiego prawa: nowe wyzwania, Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 9-35;
- 2016 BIEL Łucja, Mixed corpus design for researching the Eurolect: a genre-based comparable-parallel corpus in the PL EUROLECT project. In: Ewa Gruszczyńska, Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska (eds.), Polskojęzyczne korpusy równoległe. Polish-language Parallel Corpora, Warszawa, Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej, 197-208;
- 2014 BIEL Łucja, Lost in the Eurofog. The Textual Fit of Translated Law, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang;
- 2014 BIEL Łucja, The textual fit of translated EU law: a corpus-based study of deontic modality. In: The Translator, 20 (3), 332-355;
- 2020 AFONSO Teresa, Legislative translation into Portuguese as a polysystem. The impact of the Eurolect on the domestic Portuguese legal language. In: Fòrum de Recerca, 25/2020, 53-54;
- 2001 EDGREN Håkan, Svenskan i EU och EU på svenska. In: Linda Jönsson, Vivekca Adelsvärd, Ann Cederberg, Per A. Pettersson, Caroline Kelly (eds.), Svenskans beskrivning 24. Förhandlingar vid Tjugofjärde sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning, Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press, 69-80;
- 2000 MELANDER Björn (ed.), Svenskan som EU-språk, Uppsala, Hallgren & Fallgren.
Multilingual studies
2024 CLAY Edward, Language contact within an institutional ecosystem: The impact of EU translation. In: Maria Dasca, Rosa Cerarols (eds.), Translation Studies and Ecology. Mapping the Possibilities of a New Emerging Field, London/New York, Routledge, 40-56.
2024 PONTRANDOLFO Gianluca, SARNI Chiara, Implicaciones discursivas de la interferencia del francés en el eurolecto judicial español e italiano: un análisis preliminar de la marcación argumentativa basado en corpus. In: Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas, 19, 2024, 148-163.
2023 BAJČIĆ Martina, Terminological variation and conceptual divergence in EU Law. In: Łucja Biel, Hendrik J. Kockaert (eds.), Handbook of Terminology: Volume 3. Legal Terminology, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 271-288.
- 2023 MARTÍN MARTÍN-MORA Concepción, JIMÉNEZ-SALCEDO Juan, Las convenciones de redacción legislativa en la UE y su comparación con fuentes nacionales: convergencias y divergencias. In: Hermēneus. Revista de Traducción e Interpretación, 25 (2023), pp. 195-224;
- 2023 SÁNCHEZ RODAS Fernando, La traducción e interpretación de nombres de organizaciones en el eurolecto inglés y español: un estudio basado en corpus. In: Romanica Olomucensia, 35(1), 157-172;
- 2023 SANCHEZ RODAS Fernando, CORPAS PASTOR Gloria, EU phraseological verbal patterns in the PETIMOD 2.0. corpus. A NER-enhanced approach. In: Łucja Biel, Hendrik J. Kockaert (eds.), Handbook of Terminology: Volume 3. Legal Terminology, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 397-430.
- 2022 HREŽO Vladislav, BEDNÁROVÁ-GIBOVÁ Klaudia, Eurolect in Translation on the Move: Diachronic Variation of Translation of the Passive in Institutional-Legal Texts. In: Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, 46/2, 45-60;
- 2021 SERACINI Francesca L., Phraseology in multilingual EU legislation: a corpus-based study of translated multi-word terms. In: Perspectives, 29 (2), 245-259;
- 2020 BIEL Łucja, Eurolects and EU Legal Translation. In: Meng Ji, Sara Laviosa (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices, New York, Oxford University Press;
- 2020 BIEL Łucja (OEN), DOCZEKALSKA Agnieszka, How do supranational terms transfer into national legal systems? A corpus-informed study of EU English terminology in consumer protection directives and UK, Irish and Maltese transposing acts. In: Terminology 26 (2): 184–212.
- 2020 BIEL Łucja, KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, How do translators handle (near-) synonymous legal terms? A mixed-genre parallel corpus study into the variation of EU English-Polish competition law terminology. In: Estudios de Traducción, 2020 (10), 69-90;
- 2020 (EOP) MORI Laura, SZMRECSANYI Benedikt, Mapping Eurolects. An aggregate perspective on similarities between legislative varieties. In: Languages in Contrast. International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics – Online first;
- 2020 SERACINI Francesca L., The Translation of European Union Legislation. A Corpus-based Study of Norms and Modality, Milano, LED;
- 2020 STAHLHACKE Miriam, Das Adverb unverzüglich und seine Entsprechungen in französischen und italienischen EU-Rechtsdokumenten. In: Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtslinguistik, 1-55;
- 2019 BIEL Łucja, SOSONI Vilelmini, EU Legal Culture and Translation in the Era of Globalisation. The Hybridisation of EU Terminology on the Example of Competition Law. In: Friedemann Vogel (ed.), Legal Linguistics Beyond Borders: Language and Law in a World of Media, Globalisation and Social Conflicts. Relaunching the International Language and Law Association (ILLA), Berlin, Duncker and Humblot, 207-228;
- 2019 BIEL Łucja, KOŹBIAŁ Dariusz, WASILEWSKA Katarzyna, The formulaicity of translations across EU institutional genres: A corpus-driven analysis of lexical bundles in translated and non-translated language. In: Translation Spaces, 8 (1), 67-92;
- 2019 (EOP) CAVAGNOLI Stefania, MORI Laura (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme;
- 2019 (EOP) CAVAGNOLI Stefania, Introduzione. Lingua di genere e linguaggio legislativo in Europa. In: Stefania Cavagnoli, Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 13-37;
- 2019 (EOP) CAVAGNOLI Stefania, Considerazioni conclusive. In: Stefania Cavagnoli, Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 241-244;
- 2019 (EOP) MORI Laura, La sociolinguistica dei corpora per lo studio della lingua inclusiva di genere nelle varietà legislative dell’Eurolect Observatory Multilingual Corpus (francese, inglese, italiano, spagnolo, tedesco). In: Stefania Cavagnoli, Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in legislative languages. From EU to national law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 39-65;
- 2018 (EOP) MORI Laura (ed.), Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins;
- 2018 (EOP) MORI Laura, Conclusions. A cross-linguistic overview on Eurolects. In: Laura Mori (ed.), Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 369-391;
- 2018 (EOP) MORI Laura, Introduction. The Eurolect Observatory Project. In: Laura Mori (ed.), Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 1-26;
- 2018 SOSONI Vilelmini, Language and Translation in EU Competition Law: Insights from English, Greek, Italian and Spanish Versions of Legislative Texts. In: Silvia Marino, Łucja Biel, Martina Bajčić, Vilelmini Sosoni (eds.), Language and Law: The Role of Language and Translation in EU Competition Law, Cham, Springer, 179-205;
- 2018 TEMMERMAN Rita, European Union multilingual primary term creation and the impact of its neologisms on national adaptations. In: Parallèles, 30 (1), 8-20;
- 2018 (EOP) TOMATIS Marco Stefano, The Eurolect Observatory Multilingual Corpus. Construction and query tools. In: Laura Mori (ed.), Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Benjamins, 27-45;
- 2018 TRKLJA Aleksandar, A corpus investigation of formulaicity and hybridity in legal language: a case of EU case law texts. In: Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski, Gianluca Pontrandolfo (eds.), Phraseology in Legal and Institutional Settings. A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Perspective, London/New York, Routledge, 89-108;
- 2017 BIEL Łucja, Lexical bundles in EU law. The impact of translation process on the patterning of legal language. In: Anne Wagner, Vijay Kumar Bhatia, Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski, Gianluca Pontrandolfo (eds.), Phraseology in Legal and Institutional Settings. A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Perspective, London, Routledge, 11-26;
- 2016 WRIGHT Susan, The Language of the Law in Multilingual contexts – Unpicking the English of the EU Courts’ Judgments. In: Statute Law Review, 37 (2), 156–163;
- 2015 BIEL Łucja, Phraseological Profiles of Legislative Genres: Complex Prepositions as a Special Case of Legal Phrasemes in EU Law and National Law. In: Fachsprache 37 (3-4), 139-160;
- 2014 BIEL Łucja, Phraseology in Legal Translation: A Corpus-based Analysis of Textual Mapping in EU Law. In: Le Cheng, King Kui Sin, Anne Wagner (eds.), The Ashgate Handbook of Legal Translation, Farnham, Ashgate, 177-192;
- 2013 CINATO Lucia, Deutsch in der Europäischen Union – Analyse einer supranationalen Variation mit Übersetzungsperspektive. In: Marina Brambilla, Joachim Gerdes, Chiara Messina (eds.), Diatopische Variation in der deutschen Rechtssprache, Berlin, Frank & Timme, 199-221;
- 2013 ONDELLI Stefano (ed.), Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo. Lingue dell’UE e lingue nazionali a confronto, Trieste, EUT;
- 2013 ONDELLI Stefano, Un genere testuale oltre i confini nazionali: la sentenza. In: Stefano Ondelli (ed.), Realizzazioni testuali ibride in contesto europeo. Lingue dell’UE e lingue nazionali a confronto, Trieste, EUT, 67-91;
- 2013 STRĘBSKA Katarzyna, Nominal versus verbal syntactic patterns in English and Polish on the basis of the selected Community legislation. In: Linguistica Silesiana 34, 193-206;
- 2012 CAUFFMAN Caroline, The Impact of EU Law on Belgian Consumer Law Terminology. In: European Review of Private Law, 20 (5/6), 1325-1351;
- 2012 FELICI Annarita, ‘Shall’ Ambiguities in EU Legislative Texts. In: Comparative Legilinguistics, 10, 51-66;
- 2011 SOSONI Vilelmini, Training translators to work for the EU institutions: luxury or necessity? In: The Journal of Specialised Translation, 16, 77-108;
- 2010 KERMAS Susan, English Legal Discourse and the French Continuum. In: Davide Simone Giannoni, Celina Frade (eds.), Researching Language and the Law. Textual Features and Translation Issues, Bern, Peter Lang, 49-70;
- 2010 ŠARČEVIĆ Susan, Creating a Pan-European Legal Language. In: Maurizio Gotti, Christopher John Williams (eds.), Legal Discourse across Languages and Cultures, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 23-50;
- 2008 VOLINI Marchilia, Phrasemes in EU Framework Decisions. In: Vijay K. Bhatia, Christopher N. Candlin, Paola Evangelisti Allori (eds.), Language, Culture and the Law. The Formulation of Legal Concepts across Systems and Cultures, Bern, Peter Lang, 245-257;
- 2007 CALIENDO Giuditta, Modality and Communicative Interaction in EU Law. In: Christopher N. Candlin, Maurizio Gotti (eds.), Intercultural Aspects of Specialized Communication, Bern, Peter Lang, 241-259;
- 2002 SEYMOUR Edward, A common EU legal language? In: Perspectives, 10 (1), 7-13;
- 1994 GOFFIN Roger, L’eurolecte: oui, jargon communautaire: non. In: Meta 39 (4), 636-642;
- 1990 GOFFIN Roger, L’Europe en neuf langues: champ d’affrontements et ferment d’intégration linguistiques. In: Meta 35 (1), 13-19.
MA Thesis/PhD dissertations
- 2023 CESAROTTI Giulia Claudia, I diritti fondamentali sanciti dalla Costituzione tedesca e dalla Carta di Nizza: due linguaggi giuridici a confronto. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT.
- 2022 POLITO Silvia, Traces of Eurolect in Swiss legal Italian? A corpus analysis on the CHEU-lex corpus. Unpublished MA thesis, Bologna, Università di Bologna;
- 2020 GALLETTO Sara, Geschlechtergerechte Sprache in der Gesetzgebung der Schweiz und der EU : Vergleichende Korpusuntersuchung anhand von EU-Richtlinien, Schweizer Bundesgesetzen und bilateralen Abkommen. Unpublished MA thesis, Genève, Université de Genève;
- 2019 MESSMANN Maike, Einflüsse des Eurolekts auf die Gesetzestexte Deutschlands am Beispiel der MiFID I und der MiFID II. Unpublished MA thesis, Genève, Université de Genève;
- 2019 DI BARTOLOMEO Doriana, Euroletto tedesco e linguaggio legislativo della Germania a confronto. Un’analisi contrastiva basata su corpora. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2018 MARIANI Jessica, Migration in Translation: the role of terminology and trans-editing in shaping the crisis in EU Institutions. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Verona, Università di Verona;
- 2018 CIMA Matteo, L’euroletto bulgaro: analisi comparata di un corpus di direttive europee e di leggi nazionali di recimento. Unpublished MA thesis, Bologna, Università di Bologna;
- 2018 CARTON Julie, The linguistic influence of EU directives on Dutch implementation laws. A comparative corpus-based study. Unpublished MA thesis,Ghent, University of Ghent;
- 2017 SERACINI Francesca, “A Corpus-Based Descriptive Translation Studies Analysis of European Union Legislation.”. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore;
- 2016 DI VITO Giulia, Euroletto e spagnolo giuridico: analisi contrastiva dei livelli morfologico e morfosintattico. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2016 BARONI Flaminia, La proprietà intellettuale: analisi linguistico-contrastiva di un corpus di direttive europee in lingua tedesca e rispettive leggi di recepimento nella Repubblica Federale di Germania. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2015 STOLÍNOVÁ Barbora, Eurožargon v překladových textech vznikajících u institucí EU [Translated title: Eurolect in Czech translations originating in EU Institutions]. Unpublished MA thesis, Prague, Charles University;
- 2015 SABIA Giuliana, L’euroletto tedesco: analisi linguistico-contrastiva di un corpus di direttive europee e rispettive misure di recepimento tedesche in materia di diritto ambientale. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2014 IDONE Ilenia, Euroletto e spagnolo giuridico nazionale. Analisi linguistico-contrastiva di un corpus normativo in materia di diritto di stabilimento e libera prestazione dei servizi. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2014 BENDEGARD Saga, Begriplig EU-svenska?: Klarspråksarbetets förutsättningar inom den interinstitutionella översättningsprocessen (Plain EU Swedish? Conditions for plain language work within the inter-institutional translation process). Skrifter utgivna av Institutionen för nordiska språk vid Uppsala universitet 89. PhD dissertation, Uppsala University;
- 2013 ZAFFINO Monica, Euroletto spagnolo e linguaggio giuridico nazionale: analisi linguistico-contrastiva di un corpus di misure legislative in materia di politica dei trasporti. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2013 TOMASELLO Roberta, Lo spagnolo giuridico: analisi linguistico-contrastiva delle varietà comunitaria e nazionale attraverso un corpus di misure legislative nel settore zootecnico. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2013 MALVASI Pierangela, Euroletto spagnolo e spagnolo giuridico nazionale a confronto in un’analisi intralinguistica di corpora in materia di diritto di stabilimento e libera prestazione dei servizi. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2013 EGIDDI Claudia, Varietà comunitaria e nazionale del francese giuridico: analisi linguistico-contrastiva di un corpus di direttive unionali e di provvedimenti attuativi in materia di protezione dei dati personali. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2013 AIELLO Enrica, L’inglese nella legislazione dell’UE. Euroletto inglese o varietà giuridica nazionale? Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2012 SERENA Valentina, Analisi linguistico-contrastiva di un corpus di direttive europee e misure spagnole di recepimento in materia di diritto d’autore. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2012 SCARSELLA Marina, La dimensione verticale dell’euroletto nell’italiano contemporaneo. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2011 SCALETTA Roberta, Analisi interlinguistica e intralinguistica di corpora giuridici in lingua italiana e in lingua inglese. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2011 MIROLLA Ersilia, La Direttiva 2000/60/CE e le leggi nazionali di recepimento in Germania e Austria: tre varietà di tedesco a confronto. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2011 GIUMMARRA Elisa, Discriminazione di genere e sessismo nella lingua. Un confronto interlinguistico e intralinguistico di un corpus trilingue di direttive dell’UE (inglese, italiano e spagnolo). Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2011 CASALI Elisa, Spagnolo giuridico nazionale e spagnolo comunitario: analisi linguistico-contrastiva di un corpus di direttive europee e delle rispettive leggi di recepimento. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2010 MIELE Severina, La traduzione in ambito comunitario: analisi contrastiva (ing-ita) di un corpus di Regolamenti dell’UE. Unpublished MA thesis, Roma, UNINT;
- 2003 SOSONI Vilelmini, Aspects of Lexical Cohesion in EU Texts: A Critical Study of Greek Translations and English Hybrid Texts. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Surrey;
- 2003 HOFMAN Geertrui, Har det hänt något på klarspråksfronten? En synkron och diakron jämförelse av svenska EU-direktiv. MA-thesis, Gent, Universiteit Gent.
Book reviews
- 2020 PODDIGHE Elena, Il legislatore (a)sessista: il dibattito sul “linguaggio di genere” in un libro recente. In: Il diritto dell’informazione e dell’informatica, 1, 1-18;
- 2019 HEINEMANN Ellen, The production process of EU directives and their transposition into national law – additional considerations reviewing “Observing Eurolects. Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law“. In: Zeitschrift für Europäische Rechtslinguistik;
- 2019 MATTILA Heikki E. S., REVIEW of Laura Mori (ed.), Observing Eurolects: Corpus analysis of linguistic variation in EU law. In: Comparative Legilinguistics, 38, 83-94;
- 2019 SILVESTRI Elisabetta, BOOK REVIEW Stefania Cavagnoli / Laura Mori (eds.), Gender in Legislative Languages. From EU to National Law in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. In: International Journal of Procedural Law, 9, 206-207.
Research centres / groups
- CHEU-lex Corpus of Swiss and EU legislation, Université de Genève/Università di Bologna;
- ERL-Verein, University of Cologne;
- EU Finnish, Institute for the Languages of Finland;
- EUMultiLingua, University of Warsaw;
- Eurolect Observatory Project, UNINT Rome;
- Polish Eurolect, University of Warsaw.