Roots-IN UNINT 2024

The University

A strong international vocation is the cornerstone of the University of International Studies in Rome (Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma) – UNINT, which since 1996 has been teaching its students interdisciplinary skills that are indispensable for interpreting the world. The study of its languages, its cultures, its digital evolution, its international scenarios and its economic dynamics is an integral part of our students’ education.

The Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes are defined and constantly updated with an eye on the challenges and opportunities related to globalisation. A view that makes it possible on a day-to-day basis to identify labour market trends and needs on an international scale and to realise training courses characterised by a high degree of specialisation and a markedly interdisciplinary character, in the name of a progressive integration of knowledge and skills that is proving to be increasingly crucial for full professional fulfilment.

The synergetic coexistence of different fields of study – economics, linguistics, political science and psycho-pedagogy – enables our graduates to enter the world of work easily and quickly in the following sectors green management, international economics and management, luxury, made in Italy and sustainability, digital marketing and export, international relations, global management and economic diplomacy, linguistic and cultural mediation for the management of migratory flows, linguistic mediation for media and digital communication, interpreting, translation, language teaching, publishing and digital journalism, tourism, political science, cybersecurity, investigation, crime and international security, psychology of learning and inclusion processes.

The University’s interest in Made in Italy is demonstrated, among others, by the presence of the Made in Italy research centre (MADEINT).

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