Since 2003, Accent Global Learning has been hosting students from the University of California and other American institutions for study programs in Rome and promoting cross-cultural and internship activities with Italian university students. Accent Global Learning is one of the leading studies abroad and service providers in Europe and partners with over 60 different American colleges and universities. A very good command of speaking and comprehension of English is required. Proactive attitude and multi-tasking and flexibility are qualities we really appreciate.
The interns conduct the following duties over the course the semester:
- Introduction to program and orientation attendance;
- introduction to teaching Italian language with Italian instructors;
- observation of language classes;
- Italian conversation classes;
- various cultural activities;
- career workshop and training sessions for working in Study Abroad At the end of the internship, students will be required to write a report in English about their experience.
The intern is expected to act as a mediator between Italian and American cultures. The intern leads a variety of activities including conducting conversations in Italian, organizing extra-curricular activities and events, and cultural workshops.
The intern also shadows staff members and learns more about the role of a programs coordinator and what it’s like to work in the study abroad industry
L-12, LM-37 and LM-94 students
Curricular internship
Piazza dell’orologio, n.7 Roma
Period and duration
5 days of training (9 – 14 December) From January 7th to March 30th
La competenza del riconoscimento di crediti formativi universitari (CFU) spetta a una apposita commissione istituita all’interno del corso di laurea e avviene a seguito della compilazione da parte dello studente di un questionario di valutazione del tirocinio svolto.
Si invitano gli interessati a inviare entro e non oltre il 20 novembre 2024 il proprio C.V. e cover letter (entrambe in lingua inglese) a: indicando nell’oggetto il seguente rif. 1716/S.
Si informa inoltre che nel CV deve essere chiaramente indicata l’autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali AI SENSI DEL REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2016/679 IN MATERIA DI PROTEZIONE DEI DATI PERSONALI GDPR (GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION), in assenza della quale le candidature non saranno prese in considerazione.
L’ufficio placement e tirocini informa inoltre che i dati saranno oggetto di trattamento nel rispetto dei principi di liceità e correttezza dettati dal suddetto GDPR. Con l’invio del proprio CV si autorizza lo stesso ufficio alla trasmissione all’azienda/ente indicata/o nel riferimento.
Ufficio placement e tirocini
Daniela Cecchini
Tel: 06.510.777.407